FIRE and Small Business
Tidbits for those with FIRE on the horizon: Tax tips, investment strategies, intentional living, side hustle, business and life advice
Living On A Sailboat
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on a sailboat? Not just take a trip but actually call your sailboat home? We are lucky to have Jill Bockenstette creater of the blog , share with us her and her husband Scott’s recent experiences of selling all to pursue life living on a sailboat.
Healthcare Options For Early Retirees
What’s holding you back from retiring? For many people who have lived a life of FIRE and saved for an early retirement, it’s the uncertainty about healthcare options for early retirees. These 40, 50, or even 60-year-old want-to-be retirees know it’ll be a while before they’ll be eligible for Medicare.
Costa Rica Itinerary Day 12: Montezuma Beach Ride
There are memories that stay with you for a lifetime and Montezuma beach ride and day in Montezuma was one of them.
A Conversation with a Solo World Traveler
Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you an interview with Mary Derouard, a solo world traveler who at the age of 55 when many of us would be settling for a trip to someplace warm and spending time with family, started traveling the world solo. She's now been to 70 countries and visited 7 continents, and is still exploring new destinations around the world.