• Early Retirees Qualify for Premium Tax Credits
    FIRE and Small Business,  Personal Finance

    Early Retirees: How to Qualify for Premium Tax Credits

    Why Worry About Premium Tax Credits? For those who have FIRED and are less than 65 years old, affordable health insurance is a major concern, and for people considering early retirement, affordable health insurance is the number one obstacle between them and retirement. Many early retirees are surprised to learn that they can qualify for premium tax credits (PTCs) which make The  Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans a good health insurance choice. These PTCs can be as much as $1000 a month and for many retirees can nearly or totally eliminate monthly health insurance premium payments.

  • What is a Roth IRA and Why Your Kid Should Have One
    FIRE and Small Business,  Personal Finance,  Sustainable Life

    A Simple Guide to Roth IRAs For Kids and Teens

    The last thing on the mind of most kids and teenagers is saving for retirement, but opening a Roth IRA while you're still a student is a great financial strategy. Roth IRAs can be used to save for various other life events other than retirement. They can be used for higher education costs, saving for a down-payment and the purchase of a first home, and can also be used to pay certain medical bills and health insurance premiums when certain conditions apply. In this simple guide to Roth IRAs for kids and teens we'll discuss what is a Roth IRA and if it is right for you or your teenager,…