About Me
Call me a slow learner or late starter, I only discovered the FIRE movement a couple of years ago.
“Wow, I thought there are others like me, others who embrace minimalism, who are frugal to a fault and embrace nature over man. I have found my clan”.
I have always been financially wise, I credit that to my parents who grew up in England during World War II. Out of necessity they learned how to penny pinch, nothing was taken for granted in their childhood, not even waking up with a roof over their head. I was brought up with ” waste not want not.” I have continued to live frugally (probably to a fault), and have made wise financial decisions throughout my life, yet at the age of 54 I’ve yet to exercise the “RE” part of “FIRE”. Why? Because frankly it never occurred to me that it was an option.
Two years ago, I read some FIRE blogs (Mr Money Moustache combined with Happier than a Billionaire were pivotal) and that set the cogs turning in my head, and pardon the pun “lit a fire” within me. Along with a new relationship this led to some personal discovery and a desire for a simpler lifestyle with less stress , more fun and also led to a change for my CPA business. Over time my clients priorities had became my priorities, great for business but not for living life to the fullest! I was a slave to deadlines which I also came to realize were stressing me more than my clients. No more. Going forth, I will be my clients business coach educating and seeking financial solutions to help them succeed.
My time will be spent between my Colorado home in the rockies and building a new life in Costa Rica, exploring things I’m passion about like building habitats for animals, and helping to preserve our environment by making wise life decisions and educating others along the way. I’ll drive less, buy less and live more as I learn to slow down and savor nature’s wonders around me. I’ve rediscovered my love of writing, and who knows perhaps I’ll live some adventures worth writing a book about. This blog will document that journey as I downsize and embrace minimalism, it will also be a source of financial tidbits and tax advice, so you to can dream, and even better, grab hold of your dreams.
Ready to join me on the adventure? A good place to start would be at the beginning: Retirement Dreams, St. Croix, Mexico, Costa Rica…
Tucan Dream: Defn: [ to͞oˌkän drēm] Tu means “you” in Spanish (the language I’m learning in my costa rican adventure), tucan is an exotic bird of Costa Rica (I took poetic license here, correct spelling is “Toucan”), and dream, well, we should all have one. Tucan Dream, therefore translates to You can Dream.
* For those unfamiliar with the term “FIRE movement”, FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early