Personal Finance

Personal finance tips from a CPA, money saving advice, tax advice

  • Personal Finance

    Where to Stash Your Down Payment Savings

    Where should you stash your down payment savings? That's a very good question. You want to see it grow not stagnate in a bank account earning a dismal interest rate of less than 1%. But on the other hand you can't afford to lose your the stash you've so steadfastly saved. Is investing in stocks too risky? If all your eggs are in this one basket your dreams of home ownership could plummet right along with the market, should it crash.

  • Questions about Making Your Blog a Business
    FIRE and Small Business,  Personal Finance

    Questions about Turning Your Blog a Business

    The Business of Blogging: In this post I'm going to answer readers questions about making your blog a business. As a CPA one of my greatest pet peeves is "barber chair" advice. I can't tell you how many times I've had to set clients straight when they start a question with " my neighbor told me...." There is also a lot of misinformation out on the web and it's difficult for new bloggers and side hustle businesses to sort out the good from the bad. In this post I'll answer your business start-up questions with answers you can trust!

  • 7 Steps to Making Your
    FIRE and Small Business,  Personal Finance

    7 Steps to Making Your Blog a Business

    You have been blogging for a while, your followers are growing respectably and you've monetized your blog or have decided to monetize your blog. You've opted to take the blog to the next level and become a business. But waaiiitt, how exactly do you do that? You've learned all about getting followers, promoting on social media, SEO optimization but what exactly does it entail to be a business? Don't fret, this is MY area of expertise and I'm here to share with you 7 steps to making your blog a business.