Early Retirees: How to Qualify for Premium Tax Credits
Why Worry About Premium Tax Credits? For those who have FIRED and are less than 65 years old, affordable health insurance is a major concern, and for people considering early retirement, affordable health insurance is the number one obstacle between them and retirement. Many early retirees are surprised to learn that they can qualify for premium tax credits (PTCs) which make The Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans a good health insurance choice. These PTCs can be as much as $1000 a month and for many retirees can nearly or totally eliminate monthly health insurance premium payments.
Clean Up The Oceans, One Umbrella at a Time
It’s no secret that the world’s oceans are full of plastic and marine life is being killed at an alarming rate. But what can we do about it? Recycling helps but is not a complete solution. Most plastic never gets recycled and ends up in landfills or our oceans. What can we do to help clean up the oceans? Supporting small businesses that are actively creating products from ocean-bound plastic is one measure we can take or perhaps starting our own business to help clean up the oceans.
9 Tax Questions Small Business Owners Are Asking
One of the goals, when I started this blog, was to provide useful answers to readers' tax questions. I can’t tell you how often I cringe when I see someone post a tax question on a Facebook site and receive several answers, with most of them being wrong. There certainly are a lot of armchair professionals out there! In hopes of counteracting this promulgation of misinformation, I asked some fellow bloggers and small business owners to submit to me their tax questions and promised answers to them. Here are the tax questions small business owners are asking.
Start Living Start Giving
We Make a Life By What We Give..” This is a snippet from a famous quote by Winston Churchill, the full quote being: “ We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” Wise words. Find happiness, start living start giving.