Living On A Sailboat
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on a sailboat? Not just take a trip but actually call your sailboat home? We are lucky to have Jill Bockenstette creater of the blog moneyformangos.com , share with us her and her husband Scott’s recent experiences of selling all to pursue life living on a sailboat.
Costa Rica Itinerary Day 12: Montezuma Beach Ride
There are memories that stay with you for a lifetime and Montezuma beach ride and day in Montezuma was one of them.
Retiring in France? A Romantic Pipedream or Possibility?
Has France Crossed Your Expat Radar? The mention of France for many conjures up visions of sitting on the terrace of a café enjoying an espresso after consuming a French delicacy such as Coq au Vin. And then meandering along village streets with a quick stop at the bakery for a baguette and the fromagerie for a hunk of brie. But is this a dream life? What is it really like to retire in France? Today's post is an interview with Beth Haslam, a Wales Native who moved to the French countryside in 2007, and the author of a series of hilarious memoirs "Fat Dogs and French Estates" that chronicle…
A Conversation with a Solo World Traveler
Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you an interview with Mary Derouard, a solo world traveler who at the age of 55 when many of us would be settling for a trip to someplace warm and spending time with family, started traveling the world solo. She's now been to 70 countries and visited 7 continents, and is still exploring new destinations around the world.