Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?
It's a very confusing time for homebuyers, the housing market appears to have peaked but interest rates continue to edge upwards and so do rents. Is now a good time to buy a home or should you hold out a while longer hoping for prices and/or interest rates to fall?
Where to Stash Your Down Payment Savings
Where should you stash your down payment savings? That's a very good question. You want to see it grow not stagnate in a bank account earning a dismal interest rate of less than 1%. But on the other hand you can't afford to lose your the stash you've so steadfastly saved. Is investing in stocks too risky? If all your eggs are in this one basket your dreams of home ownership could plummet right along with the market, should it crash.
When Should You Refinance your Mortgage?
When should you refinance your mortgage? Things you need to know before refinancing your mortgage so that you save money.