3 Easy Steps to Make Ends Meet
Rising Costs: How Can you Make Ends Meet: Today I read this Facebook post by a local single mom: "I truly don’t understand how the middle to lower class people are going to make it through this inflation. I am a single mom and I’m struggling to make it.
Essential Small Business Tax Tips
Congratulations bloggers and side hustlers, you have your first year of blogging or business operations under your belt. And now the worst part is facing you squarely: Income taxes, what do you have to do? No worries, while not blogging, I'm a licensed CPA so taxes are MY forte, and this post is for you! I'm going to answer the questions I hear most frequently in my practice and provide small business tax tips that should make this task just a little easier and I also will dispel some fallacies that I've seen circulating around the internet.
Questions about Turning Your Blog a Business
The Business of Blogging: In this post I'm going to answer readers questions about making your blog a business. As a CPA one of my greatest pet peeves is "barber chair" advice. I can't tell you how many times I've had to set clients straight when they start a question with " my neighbor told me...." There is also a lot of misinformation out on the web and it's difficult for new bloggers and side hustle businesses to sort out the good from the bad. In this post I'll answer your business start-up questions with answers you can trust!