Hidden Benefits of Credit Cards
Most of us know that we can earn cash back, travel points, and air miles with our credit cards, but are you aware of the many other hidden benefits of credit cards? Perhaps they aren’t hidden benefits per se but they’re not publicized as much as the points and miles benefits are. As I was writing this post I even discovered some hidden benefits of my own credit cards that I had no idea existed. Let’s explore some lesser-known or hidden benefits of your credit card.
How to Make My Kitchen More Eco-Friendly
Steps to making an Eco-Friendly Kitchen For many of us, our kitchen is the room in which we create most of our waste. How do we make our kitchen more eco-friendly?
Tips For A More Sustainable Holiday Season
How to Have a More Sustainable Holiday Season: It's Fall again and what does Fall herald? The beginning of the holiday season. First, we have Halloween and then Thanksgiving followed shortly by Christmas (or Hanukkah and other celebrations). The holidays are wonderful but with them, comes a lot of excess and waste. This post is a collaborative effort between myself and Carly of My Green Toddler, that will help you have a more sustainable holiday season.
3 Easy Steps to Make Ends Meet
Rising Costs: How Can you Make Ends Meet: Today I read this Facebook post by a local single mom: "I truly don’t understand how the middle to lower class people are going to make it through this inflation. I am a single mom and I’m struggling to make it.