How to Make My Kitchen More Eco-Friendly
Steps to making an Eco-Friendly Kitchen For many of us, our kitchen is the room in which we create most of our waste. How do we make our kitchen more eco-friendly?
Tips For A More Sustainable Holiday Season
How to Have a More Sustainable Holiday Season: It's Fall again and what does Fall herald? The beginning of the holiday season. First, we have Halloween and then Thanksgiving followed shortly by Christmas (or Hanukkah and other celebrations). The holidays are wonderful but with them, comes a lot of excess and waste. This post is a collaborative effort between myself and Carly of My Green Toddler, that will help you have a more sustainable holiday season.
James Bond, Dog Pilot to the Rescue
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Mahatma Gandhi I find it inspiring to read about others' journeys to finding purpose and enjoy sharing stories of the same. Today I'm sharing with you an interview with none other than James Bond (formerly known as Jaroslaw Przygodzinksi), a Polish immigrant now dog pilot who with his wife, Denise, founded "Life Rescue Ministry", a non-profit organization that operates "flights for life" for homeless dogs.
11 Green gift ideas for the minimalist, $35.00 or less
Part of me wishes we could just skip Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love the smells of Christmas. But boy do I despise the wastefulness of Christmas. In hopes of staving off a few of those gifts of clutter I've put together a list of 11 green gift ideas for the minimalist that almost anyone can really use. They are eco-friendly, affordable and might spurn the recipient into green gifting in the future.