Costa Rica
Exploring Costa Rica - personal accounts of our travels, expat life, Costa Rica ways
Pandemic Travel to Costa Rica
Traveling in 2020 the year of the pandemic is a whole new kettle of fish. We have many questions: Will Costa Rica open its borders to Americans? Will flights be safe? What travel restrictions will be in effect?
This Costa Rican adventure needs a plan
With tickets in hand we now needed to make a plan for our Costa Rican adventure. Though Costa Rica isn't a large country (it only encompasses 19,370 square miles) it is very diverse with many different climates and wildly different terrain. In a trip of just seventeen days we wanted to see as much as we could without spending all of our days in a car.
Costa Rica -An Intriguing Land…
The spark was ignited and then the intrigue built. How could one not be tempted by craigslist ads that read as follows:
Retirement Dreams, St Croix, Mexico, Costa Rica…
Retirement Dreams I can't exactly say when it happened. There wasn't this life changing moment that I can pinpoint and say "that was the day that everything changed". No, I think it was more of a smoldering start. I'd been dating Wally for a few months knowing that HIS dream was to go retire on an island somewhere. He was ready to get away, immediately. Me on the other hand? No way Jose. I wasn't going to go live on any island...