Personal Finance
Personal finance tips from a CPA, money saving advice, tax advice
Essential Travel Hacking Tips, Myths, and, Facts
I did a thing last month. I ventured into the deep dark ocean of travel hacking. What compelled me to do this? Post after post on social media bragging how (insert name of famous blogger) scored first-class tickets to Paris, Australia, or Peru for free or next to free, by using this or that travel hacking tip. I have always questioned giving up good solid cash back in lieu of points but last month something made me investigate this whole unexplored realm and it was an enlightenment.
Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?
It's a very confusing time for homebuyers, the housing market appears to have peaked but interest rates continue to edge upwards and so do rents. Is now a good time to buy a home or should you hold out a while longer hoping for prices and/or interest rates to fall?
3 Easy Steps to Make Ends Meet
Rising Costs: How Can you Make Ends Meet: Today I read this Facebook post by a local single mom: "I truly don’t understand how the middle to lower class people are going to make it through this inflation. I am a single mom and I’m struggling to make it.
Does Sustainable Investing Pay?
I received this check in the mail a few days ago, it's my dividend check from my shares in Terracycle. $80.80 may not seem like much but when you consider that is the return on a $1000 investment you'll realize that this is an 8.08% dividend! This positively makes me giddy. Does sustainable investing pay? It certainly does!